after seeing all the beautiful canvases everyone else was getting i thought it was high time i got a couple of my own. it was trial by fire for the first one. i wanted to put my awesome canvas vendor to the test by giving them a scanned image of kim and i from our post-wedding session. my simpleton logic behind the challenge was this. if i sent a scanned image and they could make it look awesome on canvas then surely an image taken with my 5d would make for an insane looking canvas. if it all worked out, kim would be getting a sweet gift and my vendor would be getting more orders.
i was home when the first canvas arrived, stalking the UPS truck while "hungry like the wolf" played in my head. i snatched the rather large box from the all too feeble grip of the delivery man and ran back to my fortress of solitude to open my prize.
when i pulled back the layers of packing bubbles unveiling the canvasy image of my beautiful bride, i smiled a hugantic smile. kim looked just as amazing as the day we got married.
as for the canvas...
the canvas looked pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty good.
for the 2nd one i used a newer image. a fun shot of rain and april, poster size. :)
no, it's not a green screen. that's our kitchen (after the great lumpia fire of 07). thanks for helping casa de ohana look a whole lot cooler roxy.