i've been dying to post these images! they were all taken by kim and i during our family trip to Bodie, CA. april opted to sketch that day. where's bodie you ask? it's just a short 8 hour drive from san diego. (less than that if you don't mind visiting for a few minutes with a friendly chp officer.) if you've never been to bodie let me just say that pictures do not compare to actually being there. it is such a cool place for the whole family to visit and learn a little about california history during the gold rush. not to mention it's also a photographers gold mine.
my wit is unrivaled! (translation - i'm a dork.)
as an added bonus i'm throwing in some responses to a "get to know you" questionnaire that was emailed to us. if you don't want to know more about us you should stop reading now and just get on with the show. :)
1. what is your occupation?
david- san diego wedding photographer
kimi- super hero by day, blog stalker by night, and san diego wedding photographer on the weekends :)
april- artist, would you like fries with that?
rain- extreme gamer
2. what's your favorite curse word/saying?
d- cripes!
k- is this a cable channel? no? then i will say, crap.
a- umm my parents run this blog.
r- my tongue tastes like burning
3. name 3 things/people who made you smile today?
d- kimi, april, and rain, and the fish tacos from rubios.
k- a panda at the san diego zoo and david crackin' on april in the vehicle.
a- dave's face (it's so funny it counts for three)
r- a german shepherd, purple, and a big teddy bear
4. what were you doing at 8 am this morning?
d- squat thrusts
k- above is a lie. he was sleeping. i was stopping crime. all of it.
a- getting pants thrown in my face by rain. um wth?
r- yelling at april to draw disney's bolt on my pants
5. what were you doing 30 minutes ago?
d-responding to emails
k- washing the dogs and the cars. count on it raining in san diego soon.
a- getting hit in face with my door because rain doesn't know how to knock. true story.
r- yeah, that was pretty funny
6. what will you be doing 3 hours from now?
d- going to check out a friend's band
k- same as above, only with a beer.
a- drawing probably
r- annoying april probably
7. have you ever been to a strip club?
d- once, for research purposes. one other time to confirm my hypotheses.
k- yes. a few in mexico and almost didn't get back that night. looong story, not pretty.
a- do life drawing classes count? i guess not they don't serve chicken wings.
r- once, on bring your child to work day
8. what is the last thing you said aloud?
d- SHUT THE F.....ront door!
k- the new phonebooks are here!!
a- aloud
9. what is the best ice cream flavor?
d- vanilla bean - i'm the mayor of simpleton
k- chocolate malted crunch from thrifty's
a- all of them
r- goofy goober sunrise sundae
10. what was the last thing you had to drink?
d-coke zero with a water chaser
k-corona with lime
a- milk
r- water with lots of ice. i likey ice. it's like water, only frozen
11. what are you wearing right now?
d- an invisible track suit
k- david :)
a- i'm too traumatized from the previous answers to type anything
r- um, clothes
12. what was the last thing you ate?
d- tacos de pescados
k- ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, what?
a- spaghetti
r- marshmalllloooowwwsss
13. what is the last item of clothing you purchased?
d- socks to go with the aforementioned invisible track suit
k- some sweet black sequined chucks
a- a shirt with batman sound effects on it. POW!
r- a yo gabba gabba it's dancey dance time shirt
14. when was the last time you ran?
d- yesterday on an sdpd obstacle course.
k- a few weeks ago before my knee went on the failed blog. and i ran, i ran so far away...
a- with dave on his stupid sdpd obstacle course
r- runnin' from the po po. naaaah, at the zoo with noah.
15. what's the last sporting event you watched?
d- too painful to talk about. take one guess. i'm a san diego native.
k- let's not go there, thank you very much.
a- i steer clear of my mother when it comes to sporting events
r- the chargers game
times up! pencils down.
now we can all sit back and enjoy a little slideshow with more images of Bodie, CA. if you ever have the chance, even if it's 8 hours out of your way, we highly recommend going here. nevermind the expenses like the ones we had on this trip. for example, we got a ticket for doing 10 miles an hour over the limit (in the middle of nowhere), followed shortly after by our front windshield being shattered by a bunch of rocks that fell out of a dump truck doing about 125mph towards us on the opposite side of a 2 lane highway. the windshield showered me with glass shards while i was driving. luckily, i was able to stop safely. the dump truck never even slowed down. thankfully we were all safe. we continued driving up to mammoth and then on to bodie. this was some trip. we all came home with lots of memories that will last a lifetime.
another bonus, for those of you who don't know, U2 did a series of photos at bodie during the 80's. since we are HUGE U2 fans it was extra cool seeing bodie in-person. i could have stayed out there for days taking pictures. we are definitely going back!
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HAHAHA The strip club answer made me laugh out loud. Love the images as well!
Wow... gorgeous images guys! What a killer place! Brad especially loved the trojans tin. I think Kimi deserves a trophy for fighting all the crime. I big mack daddy 6 foot trophy with some nunchucks on top. Yeah... that seems about right.
These are awesome images. They remind me so much of my childhood when my Dad took us on those crazy trips to photograph just about anything. Now I need to go visit Bodie. Thanks for bringing back wonderful memories.
Awesome photos (and I love your rapist wit!)
You guys always make me laugh. Love Rain's comments the most. :)
Bodie seems like a place that's frozen in time. Wow. Fun shoot!
The photos remind me of a trip I took to Jerome, AZ when I was a kid...same kind of feeling. Love reading the Q&A, some funny stuff :) Used to live down the street from the Original Rubio's stand in PB, what I wouldn't give for a carnitas street taco!
Awesomely beautifully gorgeous!
Oh my GOSH! I totally LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, ALL of these photographs! They are beyond RAD! It's like...a totally new type of rad! Hah! I totally want to go to Bodie now! :) Awesome!
Question: What is an invisible track suit?
Fact: Probably don't want to know. :)
Very sweet shots!
Okay seriously the images ROCK but the additional 'get to know you' ROCKED my world..HIL.AR.I.OUS! So much fun and awesome packed into your ohana!
You will probably never meet me, but I found your site the other day. I'm a newbie photographer and I was looking for inspiration. And I discovered, it's amazing how looking at pictures of happy people can make you feel better.
I saw your Crash and Burn blog post and not only did it brighten up my day, but it even made me wish I could go sledding! (I hate the cold!)
My husband is deploying to Iraq again in just a few days. I'm really feeling this deployment hit me hard. My hard drive crashed as I was backing it up....and the backup was corrupted somehow. I just lost all the pictures of my Ohana and I'm feeling kind of lost. I know he leaves so soon and I'll have very few pictures to remind me of better days. (It's not all hopeless, $1400 and a clean room are in the process of hopefully getting some of it back) It's just a long time till he will be home again and I've had the loss of my friend's husband make me worry just a bit more every day.
This wasn't meant to be a sob story, so I'll get on with it. I was looking at your blog and just loving the feel of it. I love how Ohana seems to fit you so well. I can palpably feel the love, not just in the pcitures of couples gettting married, but in the relationships of YOU and your Ohana.... So in a completely random thought, I wanted to tell you thanks. Thanks for being a bright spot in a dreary world. Thanks for sharing your talent and joy. Compliments to you and yours on all your talent and love. Your blog and site are wonderful.
Dana Stone
Fort Hood TX
Photos of the Heart~Capture the Memories
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
Nelson Mandela
Ok seriously I think you guys are the funniest family alive! Let me just say I'm jealous you live in San Diego, California I lived there briefly as a kid. Miss it terribly.
I love the pictures and the slideshow. It reminds me of my family when we'd go on road trips.
Bodie looks awesome and I definitely want to check it out now. Thanks for sharing.
These are great. I would love to go there sometime!!!
OMG, I love love that second shot of the wagon. Seriously beautiful.
hahaha one of the funniest q + a's ever. Rain cracks me up ;)
ha ha! erica rain actually answered all but the s club one :) we chose to not ask her that one.
I wanna go there! I am sooo in love with old buildings.
Bodie looks awesome...and I love the little questionnaire for some more insight into what makes Ohana Ohana.
Thanks for the morning laugh over the questions! The pictures are just incredible. Glad y'all made it there and back safely even with the vehicular mishaps... but the pictures are worth it. ;)
WOW you guys. These shots seriously, seriously blew me away!!! So far, u can't even see me anymore!
AMAZING!! Oh man, I totally want to go here!!
Are you guys going to WPPI? I would love to meet up for coffee of lunch or dinner or something!! I would be fun to meet you guys!
LOL!! You guys always make me smile. Last time I was in Bodie was prob 1976..that dates me a bit. Was born in Newport Beach and we used to go on driving adventures in our lime-green VW camper. Thanks for the memory jogger
What a way to start the morning! I've laughed very hard already! I JUST BOUGHT and ate Vanilla Bean ice cream.. it's my fave too.. only with chocolate syrup. LOVE the pictures.. I'll have to go there one day!
Love these photos. It would be so fun to do a shoot there! The q and a was awesome!
A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! love love the q & a, too!!!
WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW aaaaannnnnnnndddddd..............wow.
dudes these are so frickin cool. Some of the pictures are errie to which in my book( and my book is small) are so cool. The shot of the coffins and the church, chillz. That place looks like a fun place to shoot for sure. I love the question which was what was the last thing you said? Great responses, and i never knew kimi fights evil.
oh my goodess...talk about a photographer's gold mine!
what an awesome place to visit, unfortunately it's completely across the country from me!
lovin all the detail...
and the q&a was too funny!
i don't know what had me more riveted - the pics or the survey... that was PURE HILARITY!!! the pics are absolutely amazing though, what an amazing place. some are downright creepy... in a good way :D
So envious! Sofie & I have wanted to go to Bodie for a couple of years now! After seeing your amazing photos I want to go even more!
I always knew Kimi and I were soul mates. Chocolate Malted Krunch...mmmmmmm
Awesome photos! That place looks so cool!!!
I love this, and I am going to commandeer the idea. Awesome images,!
Well hog-tie me and Kentucky fry me! Those are freaking fabulous dudes! I am now thinking that I want to go there on my visit in 2 weeks time, man, you are cruel, just cruel to me! But me larve you longtime :)
INSANE...LOVE THESE SHOTS. OMGosh. These are fabulous. So sorry to hear about your ticket and scary incident with the windshield...errrrr. glad you guys are ok, but what a story! Guess it all was worth it to capture these amazing shots.
Would you just stop with the amazing photos!? Seriously!! :D Just kidding.. I love looking at all your adventures. I never knew about this place. That would be a nice little place to visit. And, it was fun to 'get to know you' all a little better. :D
I can always count on being 1. totally blown away by awesome images and 2. thoroughly entertained when I stop by this blog. This may be my favorite post yet. (though that sled crash is hard to beat.) I have ALWAYS wanted to visit an old ghost-town. This is like a dream come true! And the questionnaire was just the best. Such a fun family! Thanks for sharing!
*dons invisible track suit*
Awesome images. As a landscape photographer I am trained to shoot everything at f/16 and use hyperfocal calculations, yet I LOVE images like the 2nd one... Beautiful, guys! Come to the Salton Sea on Feb 1oth!!! =Matt=
Dude - The crapper is to funny! I love the images with the broken down cars! Nice work as always!
The photos are nice... but I LOVE the get to know you questions. You guys crack me up :)
wow, what a rad place!!love the q&a too....what a hoot.
While I love the photos. the writing made me laugh out loud.
Ooooh, I love the vintage processing on these - the whole vibe is awesome!! Gorgeous shots!
And thank you guys for your sweet comments on my blog :-)
these images are incredible!!! wow. i love each and everyone.
man i wish i could hang out with you guys! The pictures are amazing!
I've been dying to go to BODIE. I have a friend on a photography forum I frequent and he always goes there and gets the most amazing photos. I love what you've shown here...the angles...the processing..everything..amazing! Awesome work!
wow, that's like walking through history. Awesome. BTW did you see any dead people in the coffin?
Love Bodie! Been there 3 times but never as a photographer just as a historian. The best part is the shakes you get prior to arrival, a whole body massage for the price of fuel. Love the pictures you got, really spectacular but what did I expect?
Awesome photos!! I am going to have to check this place out. There is a ghost town by Wickenburg, AZ that you guys might like. It is called Vulture mine, it is about the same distance. Let me know if you ever want to go, I will tell you the back way in. I loved the q and a!! Too funny!
You guys are the cutest EVER. And you crack me the heck up! Amazing photos - that coffin one gives me the heebie geebs! Love it!!
I've been hearing about Bodie for about 5 or 6 years now. Somebody I know takes an annual trip there! These are so interesting...I love this series! I feel like I've been there now that you've captured the essence of the place so well.
Great shots!!! And such fun answers to those questions. :)
God, I love ya'lls blog! You started my day with a smile, thank you!! :)
Awesome images guys! Rain's answer on #7 was friggin hilarious!!! and I thought Aprils answer on ""what are you wearing" was also way too funny! lol
never fails...reading your blog makes me SMILE :)
of course i visit to check out your awesome photos...but your personalities shine through my computer screen so dang bright...and your comments and stories are ca-laaaasic! please don't ever stop doing what you do~
Hilarious answers and AMAZING photographs! Bodie looks like a photographer's dream!
So highly entertaining! LOVE the photos, what a fun place to go. I'm really looking forward to blue CA skies. Thank you for incorporating the two together. That was hilarious. =) See you guys soon!
Love reading your blog...you guys are oozing with coolness! The images are FAB! Thanks for sharing.
OH MY GOD >>>>>>> OH MY GOOOOODDDD>>>>>>>>> OH MY GOOOOOD GOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDD>>>>>> where is this place!!! Bodie??? this is crazy!!!! you nailed it. you need to publish a book on this and i'll buy it. seriously!
PS: all of you are so funny...simply adoorable :))
love love love it!
LOVE the questions and getting to know you guys a little better and these pictures are AWESOME!!! I wish it were just a little closer because that’s a bit of a journey, I would LOVE to check it out some time though!
Hmmm, what did I enjoy more? the photos? the questionnaire? Tough choices.
This Bodi place rocks, can you take me with you next time?
Oh, giggles. That was awesome - thanks for sharing!
These are so amazing what a great location.. so much history..
Wow, what great images, they are fantastic. Keep up the awesome work!!!
Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow! Awesome images!! One of my favorite posts yet! I have way too many favorites to name them all. Great job, guys! Love the info too! :)
what an awesome location! I'll meet you there this Sunday -- I'll be the one standing in the middle of nowhere with a camera.
LOVE all these shots.
My parents used to have a car with a broken windshield and they were too cheap to fix it so we all rode with motorcycle helmets on. True story.
Dude I love theses you should start a fine art page on your website.. Great stuff here!
This blog post is like a rollercoaster of love. You made me laugh, you made me cry, you made me spit my water out a couple times.
What I wanna know is - who actually wrote the answers for everyone. Classic. And I love seeing the U2 locations and I love your pics and love that song and ....Whew!
Sorry about the 10mph ticket. I got one from that same trooper. Argh! : /
Great pictures...I was laughing the whole time reading the answers to the questions!
Very nice. I just found your blog because a bunch of friends and I are planning a trip here also from socal.
Wow, I want to clear my schedule and take a roadtrip to Bodie right now. Such cool pictures!
Wow, really cool place! Dude those coffins are scary.
oh my gosh! Thank God you guys are alright!! Awesome images by the way...makes me wanna go up there right now! Oh, and I love the 'take your kid to work' day. stinkin' hilarious!
I am actually heading to Bodie this summer for a little retreat with a friend- yes, hot! But now I am even more excited than I was- absolutely inspirational!
How have I never been to Bodie?? Looks like the epitome of awesomeness. Loved all these shots and loved reading the hilarious questionnaire answers! You guys are definitely the cleverest ohana ever!!
Awe its been years since I've been to Bodie! I love how you documenting the greatness.
Cali is just to cool. Maybe someday I can come out and get the Ohana Cali tour?
Sweet images!
wow! this series of photos is amazing! I love your post processing in all of them, its like eye candy for the eyes over and over and over again :)
Love these--how fun to shoot just for yourselves. But now I wanna see a bridal session out there. :-) Loooooved the q&a, y'all are hilarious!
you guys are entertaining and talented! Love the shots. i love bodie.. ever since a little girl! can't wait to go a as a grown up photographer!
I wanna... I wanna... Oh! How I wanna be you!!!
I loooove LOVE these images!!! Love them! The "get to know you" had me rollin! I actually spit on my screen!
u got it goin on;) i am listin' to and watching your slide show of this shoot. your work is so revealing i can feel the moments wow. i no that u have to love what u do. it really shows in each image. iwanttogrowuptobjustlikeu:) A * MOMENT * IN * TIME
What an amazing place, captures, and killer show!! You must have been going bonkers trying to decide what to photograph first. Totally worth the road trip, man!
wow what an amazing place. I will for sure makes sure that I stop by next time I am driving through. Looks awesome. Thanks for opening your lives to all of us. You people are fantastic!
I wanna go to Bodie soooooooooooooo Bad!!! These photo's are amazing dudes! That one of the coffin's is really pretty freaky! I love that Rain said, once on Take your kids to work day!! I laughed so hard, I spit out my coffee!
I want to GO THERE! love this type of location shooting... love the images you captured here.
truly wonderful...
My dad and I were just talking about Bodie the other day. I end there when I was in HS a few times and loved it. Such a cool ghost town and all the superstition of that deserted town. Very cool images!!!
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