hard to believe it all started less than one year ago. our good friend peggy at PERFECT GATHERING EVENTS met with agnes and together they planned out agnes' vision of her perfect wedding to her perfect man, paul. little did i know at the time that we would be blessed with an invitation to photograph her perfect wedding. so much has happened since the day agnes and her sister anna first met with me (see previous blog posts). we've followed agnes and paul on a journey that has taken us from san diego to THE SALTON SEA and ,just recently, brought us to their wedding day. since they had been one of the most amazing and fun couples we have ever worked with, we knew that their wedding day was going to be awesome. we were joined by our friendly neighborhood photo ninja NELY and met up with agnes and her beautiful bride's maids at THE INN AT RANCHO SANTA FE to get some pre-wedding shots.
agnes' pit crew was doing a fantastic job getting her ready until...
the sound heard round the room.
you could have heard a pin drop (or my shutter click) when the stitching on the top loop of agnes' dress popped. it was a horrible sound, like teeth scraping on a fork, or nails on a chalkoards, or children in pain, or... well, you get it. maria's eyes pretty much tell the tale of how everyone in the room felt.
with the cinching of agnes' dress rendered impossible the call was put out.
super mom to the rescue! violetta is not only the most awesomely nice mother-of-the-bride EVER, she's also an excellent wedding-dress-emergency seamstress. jenny pitched in with moral support.
with an emergency dress repair already under her belt, violetta added the finishing touch for her daughter, or would it be for paul?... either way, she put the garter on.
agnes looked absolutely stunning.
it was a little warm that day. just ask anna. :)
the father of the bride had one last moment with his daughter before walking her down the aisle.
father jerry and father steve combined to make this a tag-team wedding that kept everyone smiling.
ST. MAXIMILIAN KOLBE CHURCH was so cool. it was very quaint, and if not for the fact that i don't speak a word of polish, i would have had the feeling that i was in church with everyone i grew up with. such a cool sense of community.
one nation under GOD
after agnes and paul were announced mr. and mrs. we snuck away to a quiet park to get some fun shots of the bridal party. memo to me, get permit next time so the ranger doesn't try to shake me down for $300 bucks.
paul was rockin a beard and looking good as an accessory for the ladies.
if this isn't the best looking bridal party you've ever seen then buy me a drink. if any of them are single a year from now i will be shocked and chagrined.
agnes and paul brought along their own security...
and sirens.
you're with your new spouse on your wedding day enjoying a quiet moment in the woods when suddenly you're attacked from the trees by six ninja groomsmen. what do you do? what do you do?
you stand tall and look fierce. your force field of awesomeness will fend them off.
agnes and paul's travel themed reception was held at the RANCHO SANTA FE GARDEN CLUB. Near the giant canvas from their salton sea shoot Agnes and Paul had a basket of rocks upon which guests wrote nice little messages like congratulations, we wish you the best, and have a rad summer. i don't know who wrote that last one, but i can guarantee it wasn't me.
let me state for the record that the food at the Rancho Sante Fe Garden Club was edible awesome with a side of bombsauce. it was sooooo good! mango salsa on grilled fish can not be beat. period.
prior to the evening festivities there was a little tattoo show at table 9. this has to be the raddest tattoo ever. rock 'em sock 'em robots rule!
following in a very close 2nd place was the paratrooper. the sweetest thing about these tattoos are that they aren't given, they're earned. thank you for your service to our country.
quick check back on agnes and paul. yep, they're still awesome.
and now, the rings.
i know some of the guests were wondering what the heck i was doing walking around with a bottle of brew. like bono said, we don't know what it is so it must be art.
fact, a woman's funny bone is under her dress.
kim took this awesome shot of agnes throwing her bouquet. her actual game-used bouquet! i love it. (that's agnes in the lower left)
do a little dance. make a little love. get down tonight.
the rule is, after their first dance, whenever the bride and groom are on the dance floor, everyone within a square mile of them should be on the dancefloor too. this crowd knows the rules.
by a show of hands, WHO'S HAVING FUN TONIGHT!?
twist and shout
jenny and matt's entry for best dip of all time.
not to be outdone, agnes and paul make their entry into the dipping contest.
WINNER! WINNER! nobody beats the bride and groom on their wedding day.
agnes and paul, we could say it till we run out of breath, but you two are such wonderful people. to say we are thrilled and blessed to know you is a monumental understatement. every minute we have spent with you has been more fun than A WHIPPED CREAM FIGHT ON YOUR WEDDING DAY, well, maybe not that fun, but pretty close. we are so happy for you two and we can't wait to do your day-after session. more agnes and paul awesomeness on tap!
if you're like us you can never get enough of agnes and paul so be sure to play the slideshow below set to their first dance song, over and over and over and over and... :)
OMG! You guys kicked ass on this wedding! I am green with envy!! Excuse me while I go puke! Hee hee!
Love your shizzit man! Love it to f'n death! Keep the inspiration comin' PLEASE!!!!
AMAZING!!! That shoe shot at the beginning is killer! These are just out of this world, every single one. So beautiful. And the group shots are sooo creative! My husband just walked in and was like, "Woah, what's this?" - haha, he never does that with my work!! J/K. LOVE IT!!!
Awesome stuff! That shot with the flare of the bride and groom spinnin' is the shit!
That engagement pic of them is the best ever. It looks like a magazine ad. I also always love your ring shots. They are sooo creative. Way to hit this one out of the park guys!
you guys rock! you guys have such great vision for your "formals," and they're *never* boring! awesome, awesome, awesome, as always!
Wow, these are awesome! Love they way you tell a wedding story!
Again, I'm over here laughing like crazy about your little descriptions for each photo. :D The ninja groomsmen! Ha!! :D Fantastic photos, as usual.
Beautimus! She is so smokin! Awesome shots, love the slideshow too.
oooh oooh!
in that bridal party shot.
the one were you label them as single...
i'll take the guy right behind the bride!
yeah buddy!!!
RAD wedding you two!
That bridal party is most definitely hot!!! HOLY SHIZZ that ring shot of just her lips. HAWT!!! You guys always always always have rockin photos and so much emotion in them it's hard not to fall in love with each couple, family, kids, the beach :) you get it. Love them guys!
Why are you so freakin' rad, dude? These are amazing.
P.S. The signature rocks is brilliant. Looks like a great wedding.
AWESOME stuff guys!! whoa i can't believe that about her dress! thank goodness for quick saves! I'm loving those ring shots!!
Freakin AWESOME!!! You guys have some serious talent!!! All of your photos are priceless!! :)
Gorgeous dress!!!!! What a great couple! I've loved seeing all the pics leading up to "the day" and these pics are just as great! I really love the one's of the rings! Very cute! Ok, I know I see Kim's handwriting on at least one of those stones! :) Congrats to the beautiful couple!
Sooo fantastic!!
I am sure you guys are a total blast when you shoot a wedding~ It shows in every shot!!
I am in love with the shot of the groom with the bridesmaids. Love his look!
Such fabulous energy and enthusiasm in this wedding couple. Love the shoe shot and the fan down the dress - too funny!
Wow! My favorite blog post so far!!! I loved EVERY picture and LOVED what you wrote about. You are SOOOO talented!
Y'know you guys, I'm getting sick of telling you how awesome you are. Take it down a notch, you're making the rest of us look bad! hahaha (Seriously, you guys rule in every way and I <3 yous guys!)
Calvin Klein models are back!! =] That is seriously one good looking party! I am in love with all your ring shots (not limited to this wedding) they're so creative! With the rings your ninja shot is my fav and I must admit these are the best formals I have ever seen, seriously. So not boring!
I love the silhouette shot at the alter with the pastor in the middle, my fav alter shot. Also adore the ring shots, nicely done as usual.
Your talent is amazing! I always look forward to seeing what you guys are up to, and this wedding is awesome! So much fun and love captured...what a GORGEOUS couple. My favorite shots are #7 (so beautiful!), #21 with the notes on the rocks (such a cool idea!) and #27 with the rings on her finger (creative and fun!).
Niiice! :o)
Oh my goodness you SO rocked this wedding... best... one... ever!
Nice work!
You seriously blew it up man! From beginning to end. Way to get out of the norm for those group shots!
You rocked the .... out of this one! Love the getting ready shots, her face when her dress popped is priceless. How beautiful is her moms? No wonder she is so gorgeous! Really love this wedding guys! Other favs are 14, 15 and 16 really love the creativeness and angles.
What great shots! I love the ring idea. :)
the ring shot...the ring shot... the ring shot!!!!! l.o.v.e. it!!!!!
oh my, you are wicked awesome.
You ain't kiddin' when you suggest we may want more and more of agnes and paul. The pictures are AMAZING! they should model for the kaisers.
You guys are amazing! Every wedding blows me away. This one is no different!
Love the colors and all the rockin creativity!
Man, what a awesome job you did I really like the close ups... Awesome
Freak ME! These photos are as smokin hot as the Bride. You guys have outdone yourselves this time, I bow down and kiss your feet. I am not worthy.
I absolutely love them!! You did such a wonderful job! And the story along with the pictures is probably the funniest and greatest story ever!! The slideshow almost put me to tears. Paul and our families love the pictures too!!
you da man;-} awesome fotogs dude!!!!!!! a moment in time is your fortey!!!!!! your eye for capturing the moment in time is WoW!!!!! thx for taking a loooook c' at my blog. "I'll B BACK" {A MOMENT IN TIME}
simply AMAZING!
AWESOMENESS all around!!!! Love the dress shot and the rings shot and the dance shots and the preacher(?) in the middle wedding shot! Their e-session was the "done deal" of booking you two - you rocked that and you rocked this! Love this couple!
these are incredible. I especially love the guest tattoo shots. perfect.
hey i know this couple! hahaha, i love their e-session and i ABSOLUTELY love their wedding photos! each and every one of the photo posted is great - so inspiring! :)
Are you effin kidding me!? I love the pit crew shot, love every single "formal" shot I use that term loosely, because they are NOT your normal crap formals. Really love the shot from below I think it's #16, way cool. And the slideshow made ME tear up!!! It told the whole story beginning to happy ending!
Dude!!!!!! These are out of control great!!!!!!!! I love them all! This is probably my favorite wedding that you guys have shot! Seriously, it's awesome :)
Looked like a fun wedding, great images as always. But I gotta say that pocket-fan-in-the-cleavage shot got my attention, ha!
Totally AMAZING!
YAAAAY!!! That closeup with the rings is just rediculous. :)
ooh! i've been waiting to see those hott faces on your blog again! The pics are amazing, and I dig the narration too :)
great stuff! Loved the play-by-play on the dress rip 'n repair.
Now, THIS is what Willis was talkin bout! HA! can't wait for you guys to shoot us!!!
Well Well Well, 48 comments ha. well deserved my friend.. OK let me tell you what a dork I am. Everytime you post I sit at my computer looking in awe and start to right down in order my favorites, (ya know so I could tell you in my comment wich ones I love the most.) Last time I did this I lost count and said never again. I guess I have a short attention spand, cause I did it again.. I had all my numbers picked out and then I got all flustered when I got to that ring \ lip combo you got goin on... Seriously you two AYKM???????? I'm gonna put my vail on, go to the 99 cent store and get myself a big fat rock and my bright red lipstick and head down to S.D. and knock on your door.. I want that picture in a huge canvas right over my bed!!!! That's how much I love it... Nic
I have to say, my absolute favorites are: the picture of Paul and I at the church holding hands with Father Jerry in the middle; My sister dancing with her hands in the air and wild with excitement! (can't help but laugh every time I see that one!!); and of course the amazing dip that Matt and Jenny did ---- WOW. I told them they have to get that picture, frame it, and show it off to the world.
I can't say it enough; having you photograph our wedding was the best decision we made!
Very nice David!! I love the ring shots SWEET!
My word you guys are so awesome! I love the creative shoe shot, and the ring shot with the brides lips. Who would have thought of that?? You guys! Oh and gorgeous couple by the way!
I definitely love the ring shots.... the 1st one is my favorite. I am sooo going to steal that from you next wedding I have. :)
There are SO many bad ass shots in this post!!!!!! Shit! And the bride is absolutely STUNNING!
When there is no way to make images better you make sure to find how to do that - every single time! Absolutely stunning!
So many good ones to choose from. But I love the close-up veil shot, and then the brides expression on that 1st one is priceless.
Holy cow you guys! Love the ring shots!!!
OH! And p.s. I love how YOUR storms and hurricanes on that side of the North American continent seem to run AWAY from you (i.e. Karina). What's up with that? I don't see you guys in any bathtubs!
Not that it's never been said before but you guys ROCK. I LOVE the close-up veil shot...OMG, Anna's fan in the top of her dress is priceless..lol. How about that rock'em sock'em tattoo!!! Great stuff guys:)
p.s. I almost forgot the sexy ring shots
Not that it's never been said before but you guys ROCK. I LOVE the close-up veil shot...OMG, Anna's fan in the top of her dress is priceless..lol. How about that rock'em sock'em tattoo!!! Great stuff guys:)
p.s. I almost forgot the sexy ring shots
okay, so wayyy awesome! talk about a whole lot of fun... & that ring shot with Agnes is beyond stellar! so sexxxy -- looove it. :) talk about a whole group of truly beautiful people!!! oh, & those yellow dresses were just the perfect pop of color. love, love it all.
Okay…. First of all, I am still trying to get over how super hot this couple is. I mean hello, how awesome was that engagement session – its got to be one of the best of all time(Seriously….I am still on a mission to shoot at that location!) . Now to see the wedding, wowzers! I could never pick a favorite, but let me just say that ring shot is sexy. There has never been a more sexy ring shot. Oh and you had me laughing the whole time I was reading it, very well written post :) . And lastly, I LOVED your wedding pictures from the post that you referenced!!! SOOO awesome!
absolutely brilliant..
Could you guys be hotter? I love them all! Come hang out with us in Florida!
WOW-WEE! This is one HOT HOT HOT wedding! I love all of the creative wedding party shots, and that ring shot is great! Absolutely beautiful work as always
Wow! Great great images! I am so in love with the ring/finger shot.. it seriously rocks!
This wedding was awesome from that bright shoe shot at the beginning all the way to the end!! So many creative angles and such awesome capture of all the special moments - makes me feel like I was there! :)
claudia said...
Geeesh are you friggin kidding me?!! Don't you just love it when couples allow you to be creative? These are seriously some of the best formals I've ever seen! DId this couple make you do table shots? HEHE! As always you guys are ridiculously talented!
Hate those!!!
Best wishes & congrats to the hot couple!
I only have one word ... WOW!
There are SO many amazing shots from this wedding ... let's start with the portrait of the bride ... GORGEOUS. Then the shot of the priest ... what an amazing capture - and I LOVE the natural frame you made with the couple. Now let's talk about that RING SHOT... whoa what a cool idea!
There are so many more ... but you two rocked it out! For sure!
Congrats on a job WELL DONE.
Oh goodness these are amazing! The brides mother is absolutely GORGEOUS!! She looks like she could be one of her sisters! Gorgeous group for sure!
My fav the groom as an accessory. Love how sexy his face is in that one!! And that ring shot. sssssizzle, she has hella sexy lips! I'd have that as a big canvas next to my vanity table!! Rippin pics!
wow this set is just too crazy amazing. especially you capturing the emergency in the beginning... the faces of the bride and her bridesmaid.. wow!
Wow, I love the Bono quote... I think it's my new favorite quote! [and I don't even like U2, just Bono in Across the Universe]. Another thing that I really love is the engagement picture that you took that they chose to display. Their engagement photos were really stunning [and so are the wedding ones]. Great job! I really admire your photography.
SO FREAKIN' AWESOME!!!!! HOLY ROCKIN' WEDDING SHOTS!!!!! So I started reading then was like, WOW!!! LOVE that shoe shot, mention that, then like #4 Bride close up is totally canvas, then I lost track. Every time I visit your blog it's like it can't possibly get better than this....then it DOES!!! If you can ever you a third shooter and I am in CA, I would LOVE to be able to shoot a wedding with you two.
BTW, Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear DAAAAAAAAAAAAAY- Viiiiiiiiiiid, Happy birthday to you! Tan-tan :-)
Pure greatness!!! And HAaaapppppyyy Birthhhhday!!!
Woot woot1
Sweet job, ya'll!!!
i'm soooo blown away!!! these pictures are INSANE!! love em!!
#7 of her in her veil is A-mazing. Looked like so much fun!
Happy Birthday!!
Coooooool shoe shot!
You guys really out did yourselves if that is possible. These are amaxing & I agree Agnes is stunning. I love thet two shots of the rings with her & Paul. These guys are beautiful to shoot and look like so much FUN! I have so many favorites here.
UNFRICKINBELIEVABLE!! I really didn't think you guy's could get any better! Thats it. If I EVER get married again, I want YOU tellin my story!! ;)
I love you guy's!
That is IT! You guys are taking my wedding pictures!! Now to convince my boyfriend to ask me to marry him =O) Well, it'll give me time to save up for you! But, when that day happens you guys are it! Love your creativity, emotion and fun in your shots every single time!
hang on i had to scroll through the 83 other comments!!! But it was worth it to say:
YOU GUYS REALLY ROCK! love the humor you toss in there as you blog. thanks for the laugh :)
Hey David and Kimi,
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE your work, you two are my idols (AND the Kaisers... LOL)
if you two ever need another shooter, CONTACT ME PLEASE!
I am in love with the ring shot with the bride's finger up to her lips. Very creative!!!!!!
Does anyone think this beauty looks like Victoria Beckham or Sandra Bullock in these pics? Wow she is gorgeous! He ain't too bad to look at either. These two are burnin up my screen! Absolutely stunning work by you guys. Always amazed by the uniqueness of your pics! Keep on rockin it guys!
once again entirely too hard to pick a favorite!!! but i really <3 the shot of her and her veil... simply lovely.
WOWZA these are OUT OF THIS WORLD magnificent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love them.. and the ring shot is something ive never seen done like that before..nice work!
These were absolutely gorgeous. Belongs in a magazine. I wanna be like you guys when I grow up and I LOVE THE RING SHOTS... ALL 3 of them. HAUTE!!
Edgy photos for an edgy wedding. Great job. So unique!
AMAZING!! You two rock and I wish I could go back in time and have you photograph my wedding! My hubby and I plan to renew our vows on our 20th anniversary on a secluded beach in Hawaii- you should totally be our photographers then! :) (Only 11 yrs to go!)
Agnes & Paul- you are adorable! I loved the engagement pictures and I am a huge fan of the wedding pictures, too! Congrats to you both- I wish you many years of love and happiness!
You guys keep getting better and better! Seriously - just when I didn't think it was possible, there you go, showing everyone up again! :) These photos are, well, perfect. It's as simple as that!
WOW!! You. ARE. AWESOME! This wedding is rockin! I tried to pick a favorite or two but I can't! They are all so great!
You executed with perfection and told the wedding story in pictures with visual accuracy. Only you guys could capture such an amazing wedding and beautiful people! Thank you Violetta, Agnieszka and Paul and Ohana Photography for such an outstanding evening!
These are AMAZING! These are so unique, so refreshing and did I say AMAZING =) Can't choose a favorite, I just can't.
Oh and YOUR wedding post was AWESOME! I wish I could go to a wedding that fun!
Perfect. That's all I can say. Perfect.
Killer ring shot...with her finger on her lips!! As usual, the whole set is incredible. :)
Are you kiddin me...those ring shots are off the hook. WOW!!! You guys are amazing, and boy are they beautiful or what? Awesome!
YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING....... these photos are AMAZING!!!!!! And the one with the ring and her finger on her lips............ HAUTE!!!!!!!!!
Ok, I'm officially jealous of your extremely awesome talent :)
The shoe shot is so much fun. The bride looks stunning behind the veil.
Oh my 102 Comments??!! You really do rock, but I knew that anyway I am just a late bloomer, Ive been super busy with life...but this wedding is off the hook!!
Love the shot of the bride under the veil and the ring shots. I'm amazed at how awesome your guys stuff has gotten over the past year! Great Work!!!!
Trash the Dress in San Diego would be so incredible with her! She certainly is like America's Next Top Model! Or at least she should be!
You guys are amazing!
Trash the Dress in San Diego would be so incredible with her! She certainly is like America's Next Top Model! Or at least she should be!
You guys are amazing!
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